
Bishop S.L Ntombela & Lady Bishop S.I Ntombela


To nurture and develop every member and cell leader to maturity in Christ and His kingdom purpose thus building a purpose-driven church with far-reaching influence locally, nationally and abroad.


1.     Teaching and preaching of the whole counsel of God.
2.     Heartfelt worship as a lifestyle of the church community and individuals.
3.     Promotion of genuine fellowship of the believers and mutual love and care for one another.
4.     Identifying and understanding the needs of every member and surrounding community and  striving to meet those needs in a holistic manner.
5.     Leadership training and development through Bible teachings, professional seminars and workshops, church governing body, cell leaders' retreats etc.
6.     Equipping leaders for practical ministry through training in church planting and management, administration, ministry resource development, etc.
7.     Creating support structures to help each cell and church leader function effectively.
8.     Provision of ministry and growth opportunities to leaders through assignment of responsibilities, graded exposures etc.
9.     Networking of ministries both internally and externally.
10.   Taking the church and the gospel to the nations through appropriate marketing and evangelism activities.
A growing community of families living the kingdom lifestyle, and organized in cell groups which shepherd, develop and release their members to fulfill The Great Commission by impacting their localities, and the world.

Potter’s House Family Church
 Scheduling of services
 Sunday Celebration Service:                    Sundays @ 10H00 (Main Auditorium)
Prayer Service:                                            Wednesdays @ 18H00 (Area/Home-Cell based)
Home-Cell meetings:                                 Tuesdays @ 18H00
Youth service:                                             Saturdays @ 14h30 (Main Auditorium)
Women’s Fellowship service:                  Thursdays @ 15H00 (Main Auditorium)
Men’s Fellowship service:                        Thursdays @ 18H00 (Home-based)
Children Ministry:                                      Sundays @ 10H00 (Madadeni Section Two)