Wednesday 18 June 2014

Caring Ministry



Ø  To submit and support the pastoral team

Ø  To serve all structure of the church with honour and dignity

Ø  To ensure that the vision of the church (PHFC) is accomplished



Ø  To ensure that church members are able to recognise ushers for any assistance they may require in during the Sunday services.

Ø  To ensure that all ushering duties are caring out accordance with the structure of the PHFC

Ø  To clean and prepare the church, make sure that everything is ready for the service e.g. close door and open conditioner.

Ø  To try and ensure easy and more convenient sitting during Sunday services.

Ø  To minimise unnecessary loitering around the church during the services and ensure safety environment.

Ø  To continuously recruit and train ushers for the service


Ø  To provide necessary service to the pastoral Team and Visiting Guest.

Ø  To welcome with warm full of smile and love and greet everyone in attendance, especial to our visitors.

Ø  To arrange and organise sitting order on Sunday service, Conference and church function.

Ø  To circular all relevant stationery to the church members

Ø  To assist and monitor those who are visited by Holy Spirit.

Ø  To keep church clean makes sure everything in order for service

Ø  Keep order and ensure the service proceed smoothly


Ø  All ushers wear their uniform every Sunday services, Conferences and Function wear nametags every services for easily identification.

Ø  Implemented a structure to monitor the performance of ushers constantly and certain people have been allocate to ensure the smooth run of ushering.

Ø  We successfully recruited 9 (nine) more members who joined ushering.

Ø  We successfully had a workshop for ushers facilitated by Mrs Sibiya and Miss N Mhlongo at Blaaubosch and Emfundweni Branches.

Ø  Finalized the Thanks Giving uniform for ushers & allocation which includes both Emfundweni, Blaaubosch and volkrust branches.

Ø  Big Fish show ushering & Security operation went well.

Ø  Capacity building day ushers and Security  operation went well

Ø  Arrangement of sitting order,our mother Pastor SI Ntombela assisted us with laminating reserved chairs tags for church leadership e.g

1.      pastoral Team

2.      Church Governing Body

3.      Cell leaders ,Guest, artist, choir, intercessors, Counsellors, and ushers it help us a lot for easy identification for Bishop to give them duties e.g. closing church service with prayer welcoming etc.

Ø  Security structure added in caring ministry due to the theft of bags in our church, Mr M Khumalo as a chairperson of Security added as an additional member in caring ministry Committee.



Ø  To teach and guide new believers on how to lead a holy life.

Ø  To assist them to grow spiritually e.g. reading the bible, praying, testifying and participating in all prescribed church meetings.

Ø  Emphasise the importance of supporting Gods work all the time.


Ø  To counsel all new converts and back sliders.

Ø  Assisted those who were repenting and returning themselves to the Lord

Ø  To fill decision card

Ø  To pray with them after counselling


Ø  Wear name-tags in every church service for identification.

Ø  Church gain more informed members with good support in God’s work always.

Ø  Church membership increased.



Ø  To intercede for the growth of the kingdom of God

Ø  Spiritual growth and the gifts of the Holy Spirit

Ø  Physical and Spiritual healing in the church and the community at large.

Ø  The continuous prayer for our leader and the “Bigger Picture” ( the great auditorium)


Ø  Pray prior and after all services Morning-Prayer on Sunday start at 9hr00.

Ø  Holding fasting and prayer every first three of the month and pray together on the third day (Friday whole night prayer) but we cancelled our whole night prayers when there’s is something on church with same date e.g. Church Fasting & Prayer and any other church activities.

Ø  We had it on first week of July and Friday week of September we were invited our lady Bishop

Ø  Mediate between God and His mankind

Ø  Still participate in Monday to Monday‘s chain prayer pioneered by Pastor SI Ntombela.

Ø  We had fasting &prayer Blaaubosch including caring ministry workshop fasting &prayer started on the 30th October 2013 to 1st November 2013 it went very well with god results.


Ø  Growth of the Kingdom of God

Ø  More church members have growth Spiritually

Ø  Increase number of the healing Testimony

Ø  Church membership increase

Ø  Number of intercessor increasing day by day.

Ø  We successfully and whole night prayer Blaauwbosch including caring ministry workshop fasting &prayer started on the 30th October 2013 to 1st November 2013 it went very well with god results.


Ø  Gap between intercessor & choir during Sunday morning prayers



Ø  To keep safety during the service

Ø  To eliminate thefts

Ø  To keep order during the service and assist to keep all door closed during the service


Ø  Safety  of the church

Ø  No more theft

Ø  To maintain order during church service

Ø  To minimize unnecessary movement during service

Ø  To control exit points by keeping the entire door closed during preaching to avoid disturbance and theft of bags etc.

Ø  To work hand and hand with car guards help church members with theft measures


Ø  Safety  of the church

Ø  No more theft

Ø  To maintain order during church service

Ø  To minimize unnecessary movement during service

Ø  More order during church service

Ø  Exits are under control’

Ø  Parking information sent to the information desk & display on the screen though it still a challenge to church members to respond


Ø  They don’t have a committee (ikomidielazivezakubabangesikhathisokulahlekakwezikhwamalabuyelanyamalala)

Ø  They’ve got only two active members Mr Khumalo and Mr B Ngwenya.

Ø  Their challenge was a dress code they had different views or ideas about a dressing code during theft of bags season.

Ø  Failure to control unnecessary movement due to outside ablution block

Ø  Church members leaving early during church service due to commitments.

Ø  They don’t want to take instructions from car guards.

Ø  Challenges with traffic control

Ø  They leave doors and windows open in their cars.

Ø  They leave wallets on their seats


Ø  Recruits more males we need help from Mr.Dlamini to sell the idea to Men’s department to be part of security though they are not police by profession we going to offer workshop.

Ø  Failure to obey instructions from car guard’s man will help a lot we also have shortage.

Ø  Traffic control we contacted Mr Thwala traffic control he said he going to inform the head of their department the procedure is, they going to train at least 3 church members to do traffic control in order to be online with their safety measures.

Ø  Car safety, please Bishop if you can allow us to involved this matter in church announcement & that information will be displayed in screen.

Ø  Due to commitment after church &outside ablution block we wish to use 3rd door exit point from the main entrance to maintain order during service & for late coming ,and to maintain our kitchen condition as they using kitchen entrance


Ø  Dress code and neatness especially on ushers, church image uplifted.

Ø  Sitting order well marked reserved chairs for church leadership,Pastoral Team,Choir, Caring ministry, Cell leaders, and Guest it shows well organised international church and easy identification.

Ø  We had a well organised ushering during Big Fish show and Capacity building events.

Ø  Availability of Ushers in all rows, we have 7 row,3 Ushers in one row(front, middle &back)

Ø  One to one counselling is promoted to those who brought visitors

Ø  Recruited more members who joined the caring ministry

Ø  Church membership increased

Ø  Breakthrough from theft.

Ø  Work closely with other department

Ø  Three days fasting and prayer is adopted in branches.

Ø  Our Ebenezer function will be on 30th November 2013,time 14hr00,Venue Madadeni Potters House (PHFC) Section 2

Ø  Successful whole night prayers after 3 days fasting we wish to involved branches our last prayer is going to be on 6th December 2013 praying for Big Events of Thanks Giving & Ordination of His Grace Bishop Ntombela and existing prayer items.

Ø  Intercessor number increasing they come early for Morning Prayer without any push.


Ø  We are going involve Ushers from the branches

Ø  The allocation of Ushers is going to alternate services to avoid traffic or disorder

Ø  We already have allocation for car guards from Emfundweni-4 boys,Volkrust-4 boys and Blaaubosch -4 boys.

Ø  We will increase number of the car guards using the branches male Ushers,we will allocate ushers per service,members from man’s department will help

Ø  Increase the number of security outside and inside the church