Wednesday 11 June 2014

Men's Fellowship

The Potters House Family Church is a Pentecostal Church which holds a belief that Jesus Christ is a Son of God and its members must be born again, be baptized by immersion in water and live a Holy Life. Under the Leadership of Bishop and Lady Bishop Ntombela, the church structure has been developed which consists of various Departments with the aim of expanding the Kingdom of God as stipulated in the Vision and Mission statement of the Church. Amongst the church departments the Men’s Fellowship forms part of them. The current document presents the Potters House Family Church Men’s Fellowship vision, mission statement, objectives and activities, include the annual plan that are aimed at supporting the Pastoral Team’s Vision.  

2.      VISION
The purpose of the Potter’s House Family Church Men’s Fellowship is to create an environment where men are motivated and encouraged to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and are challenged to discover, develop and use their spiritual and practical gift to serve the Great Commission.

3.      MISSION
PHFC Men’s Fellowship exist to capture men’s heart with the gospel, to encourage men to play their part in the life of the congregation which will enable them to be true servant leaders in the family, church, work place and society at large.

·         To submit to the Pastoral Team by supporting the vision of the Potters House Family Church;
·         In our gatherings we intend to Fellowship together as we study the Word of God so that we are better equipped to feed ourselves, our families and others from the scriptures;
·         To support one another in prayer and friendship;
·         To challenge and teach men the Biblical manhood principles;
·         To respond to men’s true spiritual needs by putting Christ at the Centre and focus on spiritual development;
·         To be fuelled by prayer and believe that God responds to our prayers, so we pray for situations that needs God’s response;
·         To be true servants, as God has called us to serve others as he served, Mark 10:42-45;
·         To build relationships that impact each other for God;
·         To do everything with quality and Excellency because we are God’s representatives.


Mr Zakhele Dlamini: Chairperson



Dlamini Zakhele
Ministry Oversight and Development
Thwala Themba
Deputy Chairperson
Counselling/ Upliftment /Branch oversight
Shange Sazi
Mabhena Mandla
Fundraising/Finances/Economic Development
Sithebe Silindokuhle
Spiritual Coordinator
Services and Programming
Co-Spiritual Coordinator
Praise and Worship/Music
Ntshangase Lemmy
Event’s Organizer
Special Events
Rasenyalo Rodney
Co-Events Organizer
Hospitality/ Men’s Health Affairs

Ø  Weekly prayer services
Ø  Inhloko
Ø  Empowerment service with the Bishop
Ø  Men’s month (July)
Ø  Mini- conferences (Volkrust, Mfundweni and Blaaubosch )
Ø  Annual conference
Ø  Men’s Fellowship Fast and prayer
Ø  Sports day with David’s Fellowship
Ø  Fundraising
Ø  Outreach programme

6.      ACTION PLAN 2014

22 February 2014
Aimed at equipping men on the objectives of the Department.
Empowerment service with  Bishop
31 May 2014
Spiritual Development for men and teach men Biblical manhood Principles.
Fasting & Prayer
27 June 2014
Developing kind of men that are fuelled by prayer.
Empowerment service with David Fellowship
11 July 2014
Build relationship with young men; help in developing them in all aspects of their life to become mature
Sports with David Fellowship
19 July 2014
Engaging in sport and social activities with our young men.
Mini conferences
 16 August 2014: Emfundweni
these are part of outreach programmes aimed at reaching out men in our branches, Volkrust, Mfundweni & Blaaubosch
Mini conferences
20 September 2014: Blaaubosch
these are part of outreach programmes aimed at reaching out men in our branches, Volkrust, Mfundweni & Blaaubosch
Men’s Conference
10 – 11 October 2014
A big Annual gathering that is aimed at building and grow men in their relationship with God: various topics are selected to be addressed in the conference
Year-End function
5 – 6 December 2014
outreach programme & getting together for men

The Men’s’ Fellowship wish to thank the wonderful support and the guidance of the pastoral team, Bishop and Lady Bishop Ntombela. Under their leadership the Men’s Fellowship as a department has discovered itself and the purpose of its existence.
As stipulated in one of objectives; it is our commitment as Men’s Fellowship to do everything with quality and excellence in support of the vision of His Grace, Bishop Mahlobo!